BlephEx™ & Recurrent Stye Treatment
Professional eyelid cleaning for recurrent sty formation and blepharitis.
Rated 5/5
Recurrent chalazions (colloquially known as sty’s) occur secondary to chronic blepharitis. Blephex is a medical grade form of eyelid hygiene, where the eyelids are cleaned in clinic by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. It can aid at home eyelid hygiene and reduce chalazion development
Blephex uses a microfoam to exfoliate and cleanse the eyelashes at the lid margin where debris commonly builds up.The procedure is well tolerated with eye drop anaesthetic, takes under 10 minutes, and can be repeated every 4-6 months depending on clinical response. Studies have shown that at 4 weeks there is an improvement in dry eye symptoms, tear film stability and meibomian gland function.
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